Wednesday, December 29, 2010


tanks dina sbb bg tag ni~

once you've been tagged, you supposed to write a note with 100 truth about you. at the end choose 25 people to be tagged. tagged means : i'm interested in knowing what your 100 truth are.

real name : Norzuratul 'Ain
nickname : zura
zodiac sign : libra
male or female : female
elementary school : sk Sg. Choh (1,2,3,4) sk Bndr Sg. Buaye(4,5,6)
high school : sbp i rawang
college : not yet
hair colour : black
tall or short : short. i know that.
sweat or jeans : sweat
phone or camera : camera
health freak : not really
orange or apple : apple
do you have a crush on someone : XD
eat or drink : eat and drink
piercings : no!
pepsi or coke : pepsi

Have you ever ?

been in an airplane : yes
been in relationship : nope
been in car accident : nope
been in fist fight : nope

First and last :

first household chores : washing dishes
first best friend : mase tadika :: balqis
first award : upsr 5A??
first crush : mee XD
first word : aaaa....
first section : ???
last person you talked in phone : abah
last person you text : dina fitra
last person you watched a movie with : alia n fiqa
last food you ate : biscuits
last movie you watched : despicable me
last song you listen to : lagu kat blog dina fitra
last thing you bought : dress
last person you hugged : mama

Favourite :

food : Nan Cheese Ayam Tandoori. haha
drink : nesloice
bottoms : trackbottom
music : maher zain
animal : bunny
colour : blue , white , red , black
movie : korean :)
subject : science:)

(put an x in the bracket if yes)

celabrate halloween ()
have you had heart broken (x)
had someone questions my sexual orientation ()
got pregnant ()
had an abortion ()
did something i regret (x)
broken a promise (x)
hide a secret (x)
pretend to be happy (x)
met someone who changed your life ()
pretend to be sick (x)
left the country (x)
try something you normally wouldn'try and like it (x)
cried over the silliest thing (x)
when to the beach with your best friend ()
got into an argument with your best friend (x)
hated someone (x)
single for a whole year (x)

currently :

eating : bread
drinking : mineral
listening to : hot fm
sitting or laying : sitting
plan for today : sleeping
waiting : that DAY

your future :

want kids : yup!huhu
want to get married : yess
career : doctor + lecturer = Proffesor~Insya-Allah

which is more attractive (choose one) :

lips or eyes : eyes
shorter or taller : taller
romantic or spontaneous : spontaneous
nice stomach or nice arms : nice arms
hook-up or relationship : relationship
looks or personality : personality

have you ever :

lost glasses/contacts : nope
snuck out of a house : never
held a gun/knife for a defense : nope
killed somebody : huh? of coz not.
broken somebody heart : maybe
been in love : not yet in my life
cried when someoned died : yes

do you believe in :

yourself : yes
miracles : maybe
love at first sight : dunno
heaven : of course
santa claus : nope
superstition : no
kiss on the first date : nope

truthfully :

is there one person you want to be with right now ? : nope.
do you know who your real friends are ? : yes
do you believe in god ? : ofcourse.
post at 100 % truth ? : insyaallah.

tagged friends :

kakak ku
abang ku

tak tau dah nak tag sapa. lagipun nk tido. besok tuesyen kul 8 pagi XD

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Aslkm sume~
ni ha,,dina fitra dh bg award kt saye...thanks dina~
nilah awardnye~

1. Berikan satu nickname kepada saya. (Pemberi Award)

dina fitra

2. Ucapan untuk pemberi award .

thanks dina... hehehe~

3.Listkan 6artis/band/group yang korang minat

super junior,taylor swift,maher zain,miley cyrus,demi lovato,jonas brother
4. Bagi award ni kepade 10 blogger yang mempunyai blog yang cantik & cun .

dh tu je kott...:)bye sume~

Monday, December 13, 2010

Do You Want To hear A Story?


ni ade satu cerite...ayah aq cite...

it begins like this;;Text Color
di sebuah ofis ni..ade sorg prmpuan yg disukai oleh sorg laki ni.prmpn tu dh si laki x percaye,die nak bukti.prmpn tu x lyn la si laki tu,,katenye;buat ape ko nk tau?ape kene mengenenye dgn ko?!!lebih kurg la..Then,, 1 hari laki tu buat tindakan drastik. die pergi ke rmh si prmpn dan....dan......dan...... BOGEL dpn prmpn tu..prmpn tu pon call laki tu memakai semule pakaiannye dan di tgkp polis....

Last2,,,si laki tu di hantar ke Hospital Permai JB..tmpt ayah aq kerje... skrg ni ayh aq tgh fikir ape sbnrnye pykt laki tu...


hahaha....bes x??

Friday, October 29, 2010

inTrodUcinG mEe~

Name ku x perlu disebutkan........
hehehe...x penting kowt!!!Aq 14 tahon...studying in my beloved sepintar~Aq ske makan mknn yg diyakini halal terutame dlm kategori MEE(seriously)...Aq ske minom neslo....Hobi aq,,,,apelagi kalo bkn On9 stiap kali ade kat umah....Aq sayang kengkawan aq!!!!! Besar nnty aq nk jd Doctor + Lecturer = Professor........ berfikiran maju dowh... Hahahaha... Taon dpn aq PMR la,,,,korg doakan la aq tau..... Thanks,, I appreciate that very much....
Aq minat english,,science......Why???don ask me why...... Setakat ni,,aq dh belajar 4 bahase = bm,,bi,,barab,,bjepon..... X perlu kot korg nk tau psl bende ni....x pe la,,juz 4 ur info....aQ mmg ske bekawan.....kalau blh aq nk kawan dengan semue org n x nk lgsg pgaduhan!!!! tp manusie x smpurne,,, so sbbkan ketidaksempurnaan diri ku ini,,ade org yg ssh nk terime aq...(T^T) Oops,,, tert0uchiNg plaK..... KaLau sape knl aq,,,aq ni happy-go-lucky kan????HAhaha....mcm kanak2 ribena pown ade kan??? hahaha.... Wtv la... anyway,,,,inilah serbeserbi psl aq...... Hope korg follow my blog... Aq akan pastikan blog ni aktif dgn segale luahan hati aq.....
Skrg ni pown,,,mmg aq tgh bengang dgn dgn sorg kawan aq rahsie...pnt tau aq nk layan die....bkn aq x nk,,tp aq dh berusehe untok jage hati dye,,tp dye yg slalu pthkn smgt aq...
sadis tau x....Besok aq akn cite psl kwn aq yg sorg ni.....

Bye~ Assalamualaikum~